Living Architecture
Applied Physics | E SLOT | Fall 2021
NuVuX Studio, M016
In this studio, students will envision and prototype responsive architectural experiences that promote well-being by strengthening connections between people, technology, and environment. Research of designers such as Philip Beesley, who creates biophilic ‘living’ sculptures that breathe and undulate in response to the environment, and Chico MacMurtrie, who uses pneumatic actuation and organic geometries to animate performative installations through amorphous robotics, will inform and scaffold each student’s site specific work. Students will have the opportunity to build scale models of their designs, develop them in modeling software, and potentially create full-scale prototypes. Students will also be exposed to cutting-edge responsive materials to incorporate into the design of their activated structures. This studio will investigate what it means for a structure to be alive and responsive to the needs of its inhabitants.
- Attend every class
- If you are not in class, you are expected to email me and find a time to make up work
- Attempt every class exercise, give it an honest effort
- I can only ask you to do your best and that will look differently for everyone. The only failure in this class is the failure that comes from not learning from our mistakes. Embrace the Growth Mindset. Document Everything.
- Turn in what I ask you to turn in
- You will need to submit drawings, photos, models, and presentations for this class. I grade what is submitted to the platform. If I notice you are missing things, I will ask you to resubmit.
- COMMUNICATION is key in this class. If you feel you might need an extension, let me know. If you have had a really bad day and are having trouble working in class, let me know.
- Collaborate with Peers throughout the iterative design process while incorporating feedback
- Hand Prototyping
- Digital Fabrication
Homework will be posted on Google Classroom, typically with a link leading back to this platform where you will find resources and examples. Our Classroom Code: qpfwf6v. All homework and in-class responses should be posted on the platform.