002_Spatial Acoustics

Spacial acoustics pt.1.

Kyra Jorgensen

Spacial acoustics pt.2.

Kyra Jorgensen

Different devices 

First device: uke in the back patio. 

Second device: uke near front door room.

Third device: uke in bathroom with closed door and cat laying on phone 

Fourth device: uke in bathtub 

Fifth device: uke in room

Spatial Acoustics 2b - peanut muffler video

Delaney Foss

Spatial Acoustics Part 1

Delaney Foss
Birds and frogs and a passing car.m4a
Cat eating dry food.m4a
Frogs at night.m4a
Rain on the forest floor at night.m4a
Stormy night wind and birds.m4a
Walking on wood floor.m4a
cat purring.m4a

spatial acoustics part 1

Whitney Dow
Letting maggie out.m4a

spatial acoustics part 2

Whitney Dow
Sound Prototype 1.mov
Sound Prototype 2.MOV
Sound without Prototype.MOV

The first prototype is called The Notebook Fan, it distorts the sound, in this case the voice, causing it to sound more mechanical. 

The second prototype is called The Bowl, it spreads the sound, causing to seem interrupted and wavered. 

This is my secret twin sister, I apologize, she does not have a very good voice, but I did not want to be the one singing.

Spacial Acoustics 2

Oscar Lledo-Osborn

1. The Loud Pass filter. Designed to emulate a Low pass filter but while amplifying input in a megaphone type style.

2. The Volume button flute. Its like a recorder except the only thing it does is control volume.