Enrichment Podcast

Daniel Joseph

Here's a list of podcast series and episodes that feature interesting topics and thinkers in the field of sound studies:

  • On Being: Krista Tippett hosts a spacious conversation featuring contemplatives from all fields (poets, writers, physicists, musicians, artists, activists). Recommend episodes:
    • Gordon Hempton: An acoustic ecologist who believes silence is "an endangered species." 
    • Alice Parker: A 90-year old song-leader who believes "singing is the most companionable of arts"
    • Katy Payne: A student of whales and elephants, Katy and her husband Roger Payne discovered whale song!
  • Twenty Thousand Hertz: An excellent podcast about all things sound-related. I highly encourage you explore this one. Some great episodes include:
    • Vroom Vroom: An episode all about the sounds of cars (and sports cars).
    • Hear Here: An episode about the history of acoustics + architecture.
  • 99% Invisible: A podcast about all things design+architecture. The episodes below center on sound design: