Recycled musical instrument

Mari Pokorny
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Flower Pot Rings

Materials: 16 different flower pots and twp PVC pipes with a tee socket attached to one side

(The two vids attached were me exploring sounds in the barn)

I don't really pay that much attention to what random objects make, but this studio allowed me to be more mindful and aware of sounds all around me. It was fun to go around hitting, plucking, and banging things together.

In the end, I finished my project, playing an original. I banged PVC pipes against pots that I arranged from lowest to highest(well I tried my best to). 

Instrument Prototype

Kyra Jorgensen


Whitney Dow


Emily Alford

Genre clip :

Instrument clip :

Composer Research

Talia Jellinek-Knight

The Great Stalacpipe Organ

Kyra Jorgensen


Kyra Jorgensen

The slide shaker

Sofia Castano

Through this exercise, I was able to find ordinary things around my house to create and compose a musical piece. I took my old clay pieces and created them into shakers that gave off a deep hollow sound. This sound gave me peaceful and soothing vibes almost calming therapeutic. This brought me back to nature especially with the materials since red clay is found in the ground

the harpboard

Delaney Foss

In this exercise, I learned a lot about tuning and creating pitch with chordophones. I also learned about using vibration to amplify sound by figuring out to use paintbrushes as makeshift bridges to get better vibration in the body of the instrument. This exercise also taught me a lot of patience because the rubber bands were very difficult to tune and they snapped on my fingers a lot when I stretched them too tight. :(

Edvard Grieg - Composer

Wren Hager