1. The idea of not adhering to tonality,
2. compacting instruments into smaller versions of themselves.
3. using glass bottles as resonators under strings
Harry Partch instument precedent is Surrogate Kithern.
1. The idea of not adhering to tonality,
2. compacting instruments into smaller versions of themselves.
3. using glass bottles as resonators under strings
Harry Partch instument precedent is Surrogate Kithern.
Rose: Getting back to school, and not having to wake up at 7
Book: taxonomy of instruments'
Thorn: none really, maybe having to do math homework again
im looking forward to really dive into sound stuff, which is something im already interested in.
The postal workers one, its just so cool and has a really fun kinda bounce to it.
Their workflow, and how they stop sounding repetitive.
circle the drain - soccer mommy, roses thorn-tokimonsta, feel good inc-gorillaz, cry!-caroline rose, baseball-hippo campus, cash machine- oliver tree, gun-moon panda, everybody-mac miller, saint-blood orange, dont start now- dua lipa, renee-SALES, emerald rush-jon hopkins,
was i only supposed to include one?
Music is dead! Long live music!
Monotony is the silver handled knife in the back of unfettered creativity and self-expression. Long gone are the days of four on the floor and even time signatures. Why even have time signatures? The monotonous establishment requires it. Music is dead! Long live music.
Our sound is that of a return to nature. Our basslines will be the songs of whales, our kick drums trees being felled in the forest. The only way we can transcend the restrictions placed on us by society is by regressing from current perfectionist ideas of tune and time to the sounds of a pre-society earth. Music is dead. Long live music.
Metronomes serve no purpose in our new world. Restricting ourselves to notions of artificial beats per minute and time signatures are useless. All music is now to be regulated by ones heartbeat. If the music does not allgin and flow with the bumping of ones heart, do not consider yourself a Post-neo-reversionist. Music is dead.
Tuning forks are similarly useless. 440HZ? 500HZ? Leave numbers to the scientists and mathematicians. Precision and rigor has no place in music. When ideas of adhering to a predefined set of 4 bars or 8 bars enter the creative arts, we sacrifice all that makes creativity creative. Music is dead.
We only know primality. We only know nature. Long live music.